CREAN is launching a Legal Resource Hub for Youth

The youth we serve wish to have a greater understanding of Canadian legislation that impacts Indigenous communities.

Most people recognize legislation such as the Indian Act by name, but do not always understand the full legal impact this legislation has on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. While there are many resources available that provide plain language information about the colonial legal system, it can be challenging to determine what is most relevant without a legal background.

To support the CREAN’s advocacy work as it relates to Indigenous communities, volunteers will build a digital hub of youth-accessible resources. They will compile legally accurate and relevant articles, blogs, websites and media focussed on building an understanding on how the colonial legal system impacts Indigenous people. This may include resources on the Indian Act, s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, s. 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Royal Proclamation of

Role of Student Volunteers
Student volunteers will work with the team at CREAN and their lawyer supervisor to draft a work plan outlining how they will address their assigned deliverables. They will work with CREAN to determine the best system for gathering their information (ex. a Cloud Storage system, a PDF guide with links and descriptions). They will perform research to determine which resources are the most relevant for youth working with CREAN, and then build an organization system around the resources they find.

The project will be launched in April 2022.